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5 Things I Always Do on Road Trips

Heading out on a road trip? Follow these things I do on road trips.

Use Google Maps

While any sort of GPS is a must on a road trip, I cannot stress how much I love Google Maps. First, it’s FREE and can be accessed on your smartphone, that alone is enough for me. Unlike other GPS systems I’ve seen, Google Maps accurately adds construction, accidents, and traffic into your travel time. It also has a feature that allows you to search for things, like coffee shops and gas stations, on your route. Perfect for when you and your car are running low on fuel.

A dragon behind a Dollar General in Tennessee.

Have a ton of Snacks

No road trip is complete without having an array of snacks to enjoy on the road. Bring your favorites, but do be aware of foods that melt in the heat. I recommend picking foods that aren’t going to make your car a total disaster by the end of the trip. My favorites include licorice, trail mix, and gum.

Curate the Best Playlists

Music. It can make your road trip amazing. Or can cause it to be a drag. When planning a playlist pick music that you know the whole group will enjoy as well as keep up morale. There is nothing worse for me when I’m driving than music that brings down the mood of everyone in the car. In my honest opinion, I do think that the driver should have the greatest say in the music being played. Looking for a good road trip playlist or a start for yours? Check out mine here:

Renting a car for your next road trip? Check out my post on Renting your First Car.

Take Advantage of Truck Stops

Truck stops maybe your greatest friend on the road. I didn’t realize how great they were until the last road trip I took. First of all, truck stops seem to have some of the cleanest public restrooms that I have ever seen when traveling. Not to mention, unlike other gas stations there are typically more than enough stalls for everyone to do their business, thus saving you time. Truck stops also are a great place to pick up snacks, cheap souvenirs, or any other essential along the road. With most truck stops having a fast food restaurant attached, they are the nice all-in-one stop on the road.

A stop at Sander’s Cafe, the first KFC, in Corbin, Kentucky

Make Stops Along the Way

No matter how long your trip is you at some point get stir crazy and need to get some fresh air. Whether is a quick stop at a local attraction or stopping somewhere to eat, these breaks can really make a difference in how you feel about your trip. Something that I use to find interesting places on my journeys is Roadtrippers. After you plug in your route, Roadtrippers will find things for you to see along the way. Whether it’s a giant green dragon overlooking the interstate, a museum filled with antique fans, or Colonel Sander’s first restaurant, you will for sure find something to give you a fun break from the road.

Hope that I was able to help you out for your next road trip! Do you have any road trip tips? Leave a comment below.

Posted in Cars, Road Trips, Tips & Tricks