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One Day Washington, D.C. Itinerary

WARNING: I am in no way endorsing that one day in Washington, D.C. is enough, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

There are so many things to do in Washington, D.C. that it can be sort of overwhelming. So whether it is your first time in the U.S. capital or you’ve been to D.C. before, I have put together a way for you to get the most out of this amazing city in a day.

Lincoln Memorial

Start your day at one of the most iconic places in Washington, D.C., the Lincoln Memorial. Climb up the infamous steps and view honest Abe watching over the National Mall. While you are there enjoy the brilliant architecture, take a look at two of President Lincoln’s most famous speeches engraved on the walls, and stand where Martin Luther King, Jr. stood when he gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.

 Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

The next stop on your day is at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. Take in and appreciate one of the newest things in D.C. This memorial is honestly my favorite overall and is a must-see. If you haven’t been to Washington, D.C. in a while it is definitely going back to check out. The symbolism in this memorial is simply amazing and beautiful.

Washington Monument

The third location on your day is the Washington Monument. Sitting between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol Building this obelisk is sure to be a high point in your trip. While the Washington Monument is fantastic to view from the ground, if you have to want to go up inside it is definitely worth the time. If you are going the more cost-effective route then you can pick up free tickets the day of or you can pay to get tickets in advance here.

White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the next your D.C. journey. Although you can’t really close, the White House is still a cool place to see. There are likely to be tons of people there attempting to get a mediocre photo on the outside of the spiked gates, so be wary. If you are really dying to get a tour of the White House to try submitting a request through your local Congress Representative, regular tours are not available to the public. Visiting this iconic building is a must on your trip.

Smithsonian National Museum of American History

This stop is somewhat intentional especially if you are visiting in the hot summer months because it’s air-conditioned. While you are at the Museum of American History take a look at the flag that inspired the U.S. national anthem. It is really cool to see in person and hear the story behind it. Another neat exhibit is the American Presidency exhibit, where you can explore some of the things about the Presidents and their families.

(This also might be the location to grab lunch. There is a cafeteria in the building that offers a wide variety of food options.)

National Archives Museum

The next location in your day is to view a national treasure. The National Archives Museum is home to a ton of really neat exhibits and documents, including the Declaration of Independence. While there aren’t many photo opportunities here, mainly because of the strict photography rules, it is still a fun place to visit and one of my favorites.

Smithsonian National Air And Space Museum

Whether you wanted to be an astronaut when you were younger or not, the Air and Space Museum is a great place to end your D.C. trip. This museum is so cool! It is almost hard to put into words. There are so many airplanes and spaces things going on that it is almost overwhelming. You will literally be in awe of all the different parts of this museum.

Well, there you have it you D.C. in one day guide. Add and take things out as you see fit for yourself/your group.

If you are interested in following this route feel free to use this pathway map I put together for you.

Spending more than one day in Washington, D.C., and the surrounding area? Check out my other post!

Posted in One Day, Washington, D.C.

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  1. Pingback:5 Must See Locations in Washington, D.C. | Travel Itch Mitch

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